Greg Linden, founder of Findory, announced that he will discontinue development efforts, but the site will continue on autopilot. Findory is a personalized news finder that retrieves news based on your preferences and usage history. I interviewed Greg about a year ago for The Next Big Thing. Findory was started in January of 2004 and has been cash flow positive for more than a year.
Prior to creating Findory Greg Linden worked at Amazon where he was a key developer of Amazon's personalization and recommendation technology. Greg's idea was to apply the same personalization techniques to news stories and publish a personalized newspaper for each user. I have used Findory for over a year and it does a super job, especially on technology related topics. It is not too late to try it out. The site will continue running as long as the advertising revenues sustain it.
Nathan Weinberg from InsideGoogle says "I’m not sure how I’ll get on without Findory. Findory was how I discovered new blogs and found great stories from blogs no one had ever heard of. Findory was a news junkie’s greatest gift, a site that let you read your news, and then learned how to bring you better news as you did so. I’ve read 2,617 articles through Findory. I have three Findory RSS feeds that give me hundreds of new things to read every day. It was a part of how I conducted my day, every day, for two years."
Greg Linden is also an insightful blogger. He writes Geeking with Greg where he covers all kinds of technical topics and business issues. Greg said he is going to take some time off to decompress and spend more time with his family. Startups are all consuming and emotionally draining. After four years Greg deserves a rest. he has a bright future ahead of him. Expect to hear more from Greg Linden in the future.
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Thanks, Don. I appreciate the kind words.
Posted by: Greg Linden | January 15, 2007 at 06:20 PM