Twitter traffic is exploding. Ashton Kutcher @aplusk will likely be the first Twitter user to have 1 Million followers. When I first wrote about Celebs on Twitter two weeks ago Ashton Kutcher had 521,469 followers. Today he has 753,168. At this rate he will have 1M followers by April 21st. ComScore says “Worldwide visitors to Twitter approached 10 million in February, up an impressive 700+% versus a year ago.”. Only Facebook, MySpace, Napster, and a few others have seen growth rates like Twitter.
Robert Scoble badgered me into trying Twitter a year ago at the Microsoft MIX08 conference. Funny…Robert is also the one who started me blogging. Scoble is always way out in front trying new things…and he tries everything. I must admit that I didn’t get Twitter at first, and I found the 140 character limit confining. However, I am controlling my verbosity, and I find that even my blog posts are getting shorter. Perhaps that is a good thing.
Guy Kawasaki is another Twitterholic and marketing impresario. Anyone who wants to get serious about Twitter should read Twitter Tips & Tricks from Guy Kawasaki. Guy was quick to see the marketing value in Twitter, and no one is better at understanding PR and evangelism than Kawasaki.
You can follow me on Twitter at @dondodge
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